HC Deb 02 May 1934 vol 289 c317W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is satisfied that the present restrictions imposed on certain classes of visitors to Palestine will not affect adversely the success of the enlarged Levant Fair of 1934; and whether any steps are being taken to modify the restrictions during the currency of this fair?


In the case of visitors to the Levant Fair, the High Commissioner for Palestine has decided to authorise the grant of travellers' visas without the requirement of deposits to merchants, manufacturers, and large shop keepers, and to officials connected with trade pavilions and officials of foreign trade delegations, on the recommendation of the appropriate Government Department or Chamber of Commerce, or in the case of officials of trade pavilions, of the Committee of the fair, provided that the usual conditions in regard to the grant of travellers' visas are satisfied. These concessions should adequately facilitate the business of the fair. The High Commissioner does not consider it possible to allow any further relaxation of the regulations, in view of the relatively large illicit immigration which took place during the previous Levant Fair.