HC Deb 07 June 1934 vol 290 cc1094-6W

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons employed in the following industries: blast furnace, iron and steel smelting and rolling, foundries, tinplate, hardware and hollow-ware trades, chain mail and screw, wrought iron and tubes, the wire industry, tool and implement, and in the cutlery trades, in Great Britain on the latest date for which information is available and on the corresponding dates in the years 1924, 1929, 1930, 1932, and 1933?


An approximation to the numbers of insured persons in employment in particular industries can be obtained for June of each year by deducting the numbers of insured persons recorded as unemployed at that date from the total number of insured workers, at the same date, as estimated on the basis of the annual exchange of unemployment books. The following table gives these figures in respect of the industries referred to, so far as statistics are available:

Industry. Estimated numbers insured at end of June.‡ Numbers recorded as unemployed about end of June.‡
1924.‡ 1929. 1930. 1932. 1933. 1924‡ 1929. 1930. 1932. 1933.
Pig Iron Manufacture (Blast Furnaces) 30,090 22,070 21,890 18,070 16,200 3,976 2,332 4,143 7,669 6,618
Steel Melting and Iron Puddling, Iron and Steel Rolling and Forging. 206,580 178,700 180,780 167,730 164,660 39,929 34,420 53,940 80,819 63,698
Stove, Grate, Pipe, etc., and General Ironfounding.* 81,190 88,410 90,150 92,330 91,340 9,362 8,353 13,927 26,467 19,517
Tinplate 29,260 31,280 31,620 30,720 30,110 797 7,223 8,894 14,848 8,380
Miscellaneous Metals† 175,620 190,690 201,330 203,330 209,670 17,671 14,354 31,584 42,016 33,334
Iron and Steel Tubes 27,060 29,090 29,680 28,470 28,080 3,002 2,596 5,844 12,132 9,062
Wire, Wire Netting, Wire Ropes 24,450 22,290 23,030 22,460 22,640 2,550 2,020 4,584 6,215 5,003
Hand Tools, Cutlery, Saws, Files, etc. 31,510 33,500 35,150 33,990 33,590 4,366 4,557 9,714 12,404 9,609
Nails, Screws, Bolts, Nuts, Rivets, etc. 27,590 25,360 26,280 25,090 24,960 3,438 2,354 4,555 6,580 4,923
* Exclusive of engineers' ironfounding.
† Separate figures are not available for the hardware, hollow ware and chain making industries, which are included with a number of other industries, in the "Miscellaneous Metals" group.
‡ The figures for 1924 relate to persons aged 16 and over, while those of 1929 and subsequent years relate to persons aged 16–64.