HC Deb 25 July 1934 vol 292 cc1783-4W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of inter- preters in German on the staffs of the Commander-in-Chief or the Admiral Superintendent at Portsmouth; and what arrangements are made for the attendance of interpreters on the occasion of a visit of a foreign warship or warships?


One naval officer in the Portsmouth Command is appointed as German interpreter for the port. In addition to this officer, four other officers qualified as German interpreters were available during the recent visit of the German cruisers. One of these officers was detailed to act as liaison officer for the period of the visit. When foreign warships visit British ports, steps are taken by the senior naval officer to detail Royal Navy officers qualified in the particular foreign language from among available personnel. The senior naval officer is assisted in this selection by the list published in the Navy List of all officers who have qualified as interpreters.