HC Deb 14 February 1934 vol 285 c1928W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the values of British goods as compared with foreign goods imported into Gibraltar and Malta in the last 12 months; and whether there are any tariffs and, if so, of what nature which give any preference to British imports?


The values of British goods and goods of foreign origin imported into Malta during 1932, which is the last year for which statistics are available, were £1,168,995 and £2,122,707 respectively. There is a general Customs tariff in Malta, but no preferential treatment is at present accorded to British goods. In Gibraltar no trade statistics (except such as are necessary for revenue purposes) are compiled, and there is no general tariff. Import duties are levied only on wines, spirits, malt liquors, tobacco, perfumed spirits and motor spirits, and preferential treatment is accorded to British goods in all cases except that of motor spirit.