HC Deb 01 February 1934 vol 285 c567W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office what proportion of the recruits at present joining His Majesty's Army are of unsatisfactory educational attainments at the time of enlistment?


No man may be enlisted who fails to reach the educational standard laid down for the arm of the Service which he desires to join. The educational attainments of recruits for 10 years past are shown in the General Annual Report on the British Army for 1932. (Command Paper 4257.)


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if there is any liaison between the War Office and the Board of Education of such a nature that, when a recruit is found to be of an unwarrantably low standard of education, the Board is informed, with a view, where necessary, to their bringing the matter before the education authorities concerned?


There is liaison with the Board of Education. Specimen examination papers written by recruits have at various times been submitted to the Board.