HC Deb 30 April 1934 vol 289 cc39-40W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the date when the period of wear of the greatcoats of the prison service was extended from three to four years; the reason for the change; and if it modified the normal issue of mackintoshes to works officers?


The period of wear of prison officers' greatcoats in Scotland

County. 45–50 acres arable. About 10 acres arable. About 5 acres arable. About 10 acres with share in common pasture. About 5 acres with share in common pasture.
Year. Cost. Year. Cost. Year. Cost. Year. Cost. Year. Cost.
£ £ £ £ £
I Crofting 1932 1,831 1931 1,067 1932 846 N o recent cases.
Non-Crofting 1933 1,789 1933 718 1933 670 N o recent cases.
II Crofting 1930 1,557 No recent cases. 1932 222* 1932 290*
Non-Crofting 1933 1,459 1931 663 1933 778 No recent cases.
I.= Holdings on land owned by the Department of Agriculture for Scotland.
II.= Holdings on land not owned by the Department of Agriculture for Scotland.
* In these cases (both of which are Lewis holdings) the figures given do not include the full cost of buildings. The holders are assisted with loans of £150 each but the cost of the houses erected by them would be considerably more.

was extended from three to four years in March, 1922, for the reason that the greatcoats in general were found to remain serviceable for the longer period. Provision is made for the repair, or if necessary the replacement, of such articles before the expiration of the specified period of wear, where exceptional circumstances beyond the control of the officer concerned justify this course. As regards the last part of the question, the extension of the period for the wear of greatcoats did not affect the arrangement under which a supply of waterproof cloaks is maintained for general issue to officers when required.