HC Deb 18 April 1934 vol 288 c971W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware of the proposal to use the Sea of Galilee as a reservoir in connection with the electrical works now in course of construction on the banks of the Jordan a few miles south of the lake, and that this will involve the reducing of the level of the lake by nine feet or more at certain periods and the raising of its level by a similar amount at other periods; and whether he will make immediate representations to the Palestine Government in order to stop the desecration of a lake which has such sacred associations for all Christians?


The concession which was granted to the Palestine Electric Corporation in 1926 permits the company to employ and use Lake Tiberias as a reservoir for the storage of water and provides that it shall be lawful for the company to dam up the water in Lake Tiberias to a maximum level and to draw off the water to a minimum level as may be agreed upon between the High Commissioner and the company. I have no information as to the effect on the level of the lake of the works which are now in course of construction, but I will make inquiry.