HC Deb 23 November 1933 vol 283 cc275-6W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies under what legislative authority the Governor of the island of St. Helena, South

Duty exig ble under old law Exigible and paid under Section 42. Difference.
£ £ £
London Stock Exchange 387,688 55,615 332,073
Birmingham Stock Exchange 35 12 23
Bristol Stock Exchange 666 192 474
Halifax Stock Exchange 40 14 26
Leeds Stock Exchange 101 50 111
Liverpool Stock Exchange 704 117 587
Manchester Stock Exchange 1,600 404 1,196
Nottingham Stock Exchange 32 7 25
Sheffield Stack Exchange 7,012 1,425 5,587
Provincial Brokers Stock Exchange 3,531 345 3,186
(a) Total for period 1st April, 1933, to 30th September, 1933. £401,469 £58,181 £343,288
(b) Total from 1st September, 1920, to 30th September, 1933. £6,602,097 £1,297,708 £5,304,389

Atlantic, controls the retail prices of the merchants of that island?


I am informed by the Governor of St. Helena that he has exercised no form of control over the retail prices charged by merchants in that island.