HC Deb 14 November 1933 vol 281 c751W

asked the hon. and gallant Member for Rye, as representing the Forestry Commissioners, whether he is aware that the order prohibiting the import of Christmas trees from the 1st December is likely to cause both a shortage of trees and an increase in price; whether the risk of disease from the import of trees which will not be planted but destroyed within a few weeks is a serious one; and whether he will modify the order so as to pontpone its operation in respect of Christmas trees and to permit for a short period their entry at the present rate of duty?


The Order prohibiting the importation of certain conifers is not likely to cause a shortage of trees, as the demand for the species which are used as Christmas trees could be met from home sources and the price of home-grown trees should not exceed that of foreign trees. The risk of disease from the importation would continue, although some trees might be destroyed within a few weeks. The Forestry Commissioners are not prepared to recommend any modification of the Order.