The net amounts of the contributions due to the League of Nations from the States Members for the year 1932 were as follow:—
States. |
Net amount of contributions. |
Gold Francs. |
1. |
South Africa |
484,417.81 |
2. |
Albania |
32,684.48 |
3. |
Germany |
2,652,755.89 |
4. |
Argentine |
947,540.29 |
5. |
Australia |
897,075.92 |
6. |
Austria |
267,834.99 |
7. |
Belgium |
588,178.33 |
8. |
Bolivia |
134,316.76 |
9. |
Brazil |
— |
10. |
Bulgaria |
162,411.96 |
11. |
Canada |
1,143,353.80 |
12. |
Chile |
459,853.32 |
13. |
China |
1,544,642.67 |
14. |
Colombia |
195,090.92 |
15. |
Costa Rica |
— |
16. |
Cuba |
296,063.74 |
17. |
Denmark |
391,151.09 |
18. |
Dominican Republic. |
33,461.23 |
19. |
Spain |
1,311,834.92 |
20. |
Estonia |
98,619.47 |
21. |
Abyssinia |
66,689.93 |
22. |
Finland |
326,760.72 |
23. |
France |
2,600,029.53 |
24. |
Great Britain |
3,466,499.54 |
25. |
Greece |
227,570.39 |
26. |
Guatemala |
32,944.97 |
27. |
Haiti |
30,935.89 |
28. |
Honduras |
33,579.18 |
29. |
Hungary |
266,931.89 |
30. |
India |
1,834,588.83 |
31. |
Irish Free State |
333,449.65 |
32. |
Italy |
1,970,251.69 |
33. |
Japan |
1,967,253.72 |
34. |
Latvia |
98,169.16 |
35. |
Liberia |
33,579.18 |
36. |
Lithuania |
131,714.70 |
37. |
Luxemburg |
31,939.91 |
38. |
Mexico |
471,867.85 |
39. |
New Zealand |
329,158.96 |
40. |
Nicaragua |
16,726.76 |
41. |
Norway |
291,014.87 |
42. |
Panama |
32,402.66 |
43. |
Paraguay |
32,941.19 |
44. |
Netherlands |
753,654.48 |
45. |
Persia |
163,567.68 |
46. |
Peru |
302,212.70 |
47. |
Poland |
1,048,277.39 |
48. |
Portugal |
191,113.42 |
49. |
Rumania |
715,456.08 |
50. |
Salvador |
33,579.18 |
51. |
Siam |
295,579.78 |
52. |
Sweden |
586,726.46 |
States. |
Net amount of contributions. |
Gold Francs. |
53. |
Switzerland |
554,599.15 |
54. |
Czechoslovakia |
948,793.34 |
55. |
Uruguay |
229,873.29 |
56. |
Venezuela |
163,682.82 |
57. |
Yugoslavia |
653,127.11 |
On 31st January last the position as regards countries whose contributions are in arrears was as follows:
Country. |
Year. |
Amount in arrear in respect of each year. |
Gold Francs. |
Albania |
1932 |
31,937.42 |
Argentine |
1929 |
736,558.14 |
1930 |
791,290.53 |
1931 |
880,852.04 |
1932 |
947,540.29 |
Australia |
1932 |
374,636.21 |
Bolivia |
1923 |
90,000.00 |
1924 |
104,284.01 |
1925 |
109,049.86 |
1926 |
88,100.63 |
1927 |
86,940.32 |
1928 |
89,320.01 |
1929 |
105,215.77 |
1930 |
112,765.07 |
1931 |
125,118.40 |
1932 |
134,316.76 |
Bulgaria |
1932 |
81,200.62 |
Chile |
1930 |
16,150.94 |
1931 |
427,659.00 |
1932 |
459,853.32 |
China |
1922–1930 |
8,743,212.41 |
1931 |
719,433.52 |
1932 |
772,435.27 |
Colombia |
1932 |
191,631.28 |
Cuba |
1930 |
36,286.80 |
1931 |
275,367.38 |
1932 |
296,063.74 |
Dominican Republic |
1930 |
3,771.07 |
1931 |
31,161.64 |
1932 |
7,548.23 |
Germany |
1932 |
1,346,516.44 |
Greece |
1932 |
15,534.68 |
Guatemala |
1929 |
14,836.27 |
1930 |
27,607.06 |
1931 |
30,695.38 |
1932 |
32,994.97 |
Haiti |
1931 |
28,636.30 |
1932 |
30,935.89 |
Honduras |
1922 |
55,326.58 |
1923 |
27,196.51 |
1924 |
23,174.23 |
Country. |
Year. |
Amount in arrear in respect of each year. |
Gold Francs. |
Honduras—cont. |
1925 |
24,233.30 |
1926 |
24,472.39 |
1927 |
24,150.09 |
1928 |
12,405.62 |
1929 |
13,898.40 |
1930 |
28,191.27 |
1931 |
31,279.59 |
1932 |
33,579.18 |
Hungary |
1931 |
43,442.97 |
1932 |
266,931.89 |
Liberia |
1930 |
3,732.88 |
1931 |
31,279.59 |
1932 |
33,579.18 |
Lithuania |
1932 |
9,198.04 |
Nicaragua |
1922 |
48,061.45 |
1923 |
27,196.51 |
1924 |
23,174.23 |
1925 |
24,233.30 |
1926 |
24,472.39 |
1927 |
24,150.09 |
1928 |
24,811.11 |
1929 |
26,303.94 |
1930 |
9,553.32 |
1931 |
12,886.51 |
1932 |
8,380.50 |
Panama |
1931 |
29,940.39 |
1932 |
32,402.66 |
Paraguay |
1922 |
15,370.80 |
1927 |
17,593.24 |
1929 |
21,203.37 |
1930 |
27,553.28 |
1931 |
30,641.60 |
1932 |
32,941.19 |
Persia |
1932 |
80,516.20 |
Peru |
1920 |
26,952.72 |
1921 |
187,499.70 |
1922 |
182,040.30 |
1923 |
244,768.61 |
1924 |
208,568.02 |
1925 |
218,099.73 |
1926 |
198,226.39 |
1927 |
195,615.73 |
1928 |
1929 |
220,623.30 |
1930 |
253,721.39 |
1931 |
281,516.34 |
1932 |
302,212.70 |
Poland |
1932 |
456,123.15 |
Salvador |
1922 |
6,087.62 |
1930 |
17,826.07 |
Uruguay |
1930 |
78,924.02 |
1931 |
213,776.12 |
1932 |
229,873.29 |
Yugoslavia |
1932 |
489,845.31 |