HC Deb 17 May 1933 vol 278 cc365-6W

asked the President of the Board of Trade the names of the different countries which are entitled under existing treaties to most-favourednation treatment?

Lieut.-Colonel COLVILLE

The following is a list of the countries between which and the United Kingdom commercial treaties and similar arrangements providing for the mutual accord of mostfavoured-nation treatment in regard to Customs Duties are at present in force:

Albania Italy.
Argentina. Japan.
Austria. Latvia.
Belgium. Lithuania.
Bolivia. Netherlands.
Brazil. Nicaragua.
Bulgaria. Norway.
Chile. Panama.
China. Persia.
Colombia. Poland.
Czechoslovakia. Portugal.
Denmark. Rumania.
Egypt. Salvador.
Estonia. Siam.
Finland. Spain.
Germany. Sweden.
Greece. Switzerland.
Guatemala. Turkey.
Hayti. United States.
Hungary. Venezuela.
Iceland. Yugoslavia.