HC Deb 03 May 1933 vol 277 cc849-50W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will publish his proposals, referred to his Excel-lency the Governor of Northern Rhodesia,

Numbers of unemployed persons on the registers of the Stratford and Canning Town Employment Exchanges and Juvenile Employment Bureaux.
Date. Men. Women. Juveniles. Total.
19th December, 1932 17,318 2,087 761 20,166
21st December, 1931 17,089 2,299 834 20,222
22nd December, 1930 14,402 2,633 670 17,705

for the gradual replacement of Europeans by Africans in the Government Departments?


I have informed the Governor of Northern Rhodesia that in my opinion it is not possible economically and efficiently to administer a country the population of which is 99 per cent. native by means of a predominantly European Administration, and that I therefore attach the first importance to the training and use of native clerks and artisans. I have suggested for consideration an increased use of native clerks and constables.

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