HC Deb 01 May 1933 vol 277 cc515-6W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that the League of Nations has invited the Christian Churches to express their opinions before 30th April, 1933, on the question of Easter stabilisation; and whether he will consider the issue of a statement with respect to the attitude of this country as expressed by an Act placed on the Statute Book in 1928 and by His Majesty's Government's representative at the Calendar Reform Conference at Geneva in 1931?


The communication from the League of Nations and the religious authorities was, I understand, sent in May, 1932, and His Majesty's Government are now awaiting a notification from the League of the results of that communication. His Majesty's Government have already made their position known by notifying the League of Nations that they endorse the declaration of the Calendar Reform Conference of October, 1931, in favour of the stabilisation of movable feasts.


asked the Home Secretary what is the position in regard to the Easter Act which was passed in 1928?


I can only refer to the reply which I gave to the hon. Member for North-East Leeds (Sir J. Birchall) on the 9th December, 1932, to which I am not in a position to add anything at present.