HC Deb 30 March 1933 vol 276 cc1191-2W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that by a ruling of the High Court it has been decided that hospital porters shall be classed as domestics and are, therefore, not insurable under the Unemployment Insurance Acts; and whether, in view of the hardship to these men in the event of their becoming unemployed, he will, when amending the Acts, make provision for their being classed as insurable persons?


I am aware of the judgment referred to. The Royal Commission on Unemployment Insurance recommended that this class of workers should be brought within the scope of the

Insured Persons recorded as Unemployed in Great Britain.
Industry Group. 24th August, 1931. 22nd February, 1932. 20th February, 1933.
Fishing 4,569 7,362 7,794
Stone Quarrying and Mining 6,808 10,948 15,804
Slate Quarrying and Mining 3,268 1,347 2,026
Mining and Quarrying not separately specified 3,607 3,863 3,760
Clay, Sand, Gravel and Chalk Pits 3,528 4,615 4,609
Non Metalliferous Mining Products:
Coke Ovens and By-Product Works 4,181 3,586 3,957
Artificial Stone and Concrete 4,291 5,619 6,366
Cement, Limekilns and Whiting 2,978 4,354 4,503
Brick, Tile, Pipe, etc., making 14,401 19,348 22,102
Pottery, Earthenware, etc. 28,413 25,658 25,041
Glass Trades:
Glass (excluding Bottles and Scientific Glass) 7,219 5,646 5,344
Glass Bottles 5,244 4,908 4,593
Chemicals, etc.:
Chemicals 18,425 17,577 15,845
Explosives 2,784 1,953 1,644
Paint, Varnish, Red and White Leads 2,215 2,256 2,231
Oil, Glue, Soap, Ink, Matches, etc. 9,777 9,827 9,981
Metal Manufacture
Pig Iron (Blast Furnaces) 8,732 8,194 7,639
Steel Melting and Iron Paddling, Iron and Steel Boiling and Forging. 81,717 79,931 73,778
Brass, Copp-r, Zinc, Tin, Lead, etc. 10,620 9,736 8,898
Tin Plates 11,630 8,413 10,811
Iron and Steel Tubes 12,459 13,744 11,860
Wire, Wire Netting, Wire Ropes 7,329 5,797 5,684

Unemployment Insurance Acts, and this recommendation is at present under consideration.

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