HC Deb 13 March 1933 vol 275 cc1612-7W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many houses, other than houses built under slum-clearance schemes, were erected in Scotland during the 12 months ended 28th February, 1933; how many of these were let at rents of less than £30 per annum, excluding occupier's rates; how many at less than £25 per annum; how many at less than £17; and how many of the houses in each of these categories were built with the help of subsidies provided under the Housing Act, 1923; how many under the Act of 1924; how many under other Acts; how many without the aid of any subsidies; and how many by private enterprise, with the assistance of the £9 subsidy, under the Housing Act, 1924?


The number of assisted houses other than houses built under slum clearance schemes erected in Scotland during the 12 months ended 31st January, 1933 (the latest period for which statistics are available) was 10,651, of which 6,553 were erected by local authorities and 4,098 by private enterprise, 3,262 of the latter being under the Act of 1923 and the remaining 836 being under the Act of 1924. The number of unassisted houses erected during the 12 months ended 31st December last (the latest period for which statistics are available) was 1,726, all of which were erected by private enterprise. Particulars of rents are available only for houses erected by local authorities. As regards the above 6,553 houses all of which were erected by local authorities under the Act of 1924, complete particulars of the rents are not yet available but it is known that the rents of 5,515 of these houses fall within the rental catgories (exclusive of occupiers' rates) mentioned in the question, namely:—

Annual rent under £30 but not less than £25–1,454 houses.

Annual rent under £25 but not less than £17–3,083 houses.

Annual rent under £17–978 houses.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of slum-

Slum Clearance Houses in course of construction and approved.
Date. Under Housing, etc. Act, 1923. Under Housing (Scotland) Act, 1930. Total.
Under construction. Approved during period.* Under construction. Approved during period.* Under construction. Approved during period.*
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
1st January, 1925 1,834 1,436 1,8341,436
1st January, 1926 2,891 2,423 2,891 2,423
1st January, 1927 2,512 2,169 2,512 2,169
1st January, 1928 2,985 2,870 2,986 2,870
1st January, 1929 2,683 1,644 2,683 1,644
1st January, 1930 1,782 1,732 1,782 1,732
1st January, 1931 1,860 1,663 250 512 2,110 2,175
1st January, 1932 1,087 409 3,322 5,476 4,409 5,885
1st February, 1932 1,063 154 3,500 154 4,563 308
1st March, 1932 1,012 3,715 423 4,727 423
1st April, 1932 1,014 69 4,066 601 5,080 670
1st May, 1932 957 64,558 851 5,515 857
1st June, 1932 882 4,985 711 5,867 711
1st July, 1932 812 228 4,994 980 5,806 1,208
1st August, 1932 784 5,740 405 6,524 405
1st September, 1932 732 10 6,250 493 6,982503
1st October, 1932 701 6,476 817 7,177 817
1st November, 1932 709 24 7,098 937 7,807 961
1st December, 1932 750 66 6,983 736 7,733 802
1st January, 1933 654 7,098 526 7,752 526
1st February, 1933 665 606 7,531 690 8,196 1,296
* The period covered by the figures in columns 3, 5 and 7 is the twelve months preceding the 1st January in the years, 1925 to 1932 inclusive, and the month preceding the dates shown subsequent to the 1st January, 1932.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of houses under construction in Scotland on 1st October, 1930, 1931 and 1932, and the number on the 1st day of each month since October, 1932; and the number of houses approved but not begun on the same dates, distinguishing in the case of houses approved since 15th December between those which are to receive a £3

clearance houses under construction and approved on the 1st day of January in each year from 1925 to 1932 and on the 1st day of each month since January, 1932?


The numbers of slum clearance houses in course of construction and approved under the Housing Acts of 1923 and 1930 respectively at the dates in question were as follow:

subsidy and those which are to receive higher subsidies?


All the houses approved for erection in Scotland since 15th December, 1932, being covered by proposals submitted prior to that date, will qualify for the higher subsidies at present available. The numbers of assisted houses under construction and the numbers approved but not begun at the dates mentioned are as follow:

Number of Assisted Houses.
Date. Under construction. Approved but not begun.
1st October, 1930 9,310 3,925
1st October, 1931 13,315 5,506
1st October, 1932 18,180 7,007
1st November, 1932 18,514 7,869
1st December, 1932 19,055 11,075
1st January, 1933 19,732 11,045
1st February, 1933 21,325 10,787

Note.—No information is available as to the number of houses under construction or proposed to be built without State assistance at the dates mentioned.

County. Position at 1st March, 1932. Position at 1st March, 1933.
Angus Original scheme in operation Original scheme in, operation but subsidy reduced.
Argyll Original scheme in operation but subject to maximum annual commitment. Same as at 1st March, 1932.
Berwick Original scheme suspended Same as at 1st March, 1932.
Caithness Original scheme suspended save for urgent cases. Same as at 1st March, 1932.
Inverness Original scheme in operation Scheme suspended.
Moray Original scheme in operation Original scheme in operation but subsidy reduced.
Orkney Original scheme in operation bat subsidy reduced. Same as at 1st March, 1932.
Boss and Cromarty. Original scheme suspended Original scheme in operation but subject to maximum annual commitment.
Roxburgh Original scheme in operation but subsidy reduced. Original scheme in operation but subsidy further reduced.
Sutherland Original scheme in operation but subject to maximum annual commitment. Same as at 1st March, 1932.
Zetland Original scheme suspended Same as at 1st March, 1932.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many houses were constructed in Scotland under the Rural Housing Act, 1931; the total amount of subsidies paid or to be paid in respect of these houses; and the highest and the lowest subsidy paid or to be paid in respect of any house constructed under this Act?


No houses have yet been completed and therefore no State subsidy has yet been paid under the Housing (Rural Authorities) Act, 1931. The Department of Health for Scotland, up to date, have promised subsidies amounting, with those payable under the


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the number of county councils in Scotland who were operating the Housing (Rural Workers) Act on 1st March, 1932, and 1st March, 1933, distinguishing in each case between those operating it in whole and those which have revised their schemes since they were first framed, with a view to limiting their financial liabilities?


So far as I am aware, all the county councils in Scotland, with the exception of those shown below, were, at the dates mentioned, operating their schemes under the Housing (Rural Workers) Acts, 1926 and 1931, as originally framed. The exceptions referred to are:

Act of 1924, to £6,954 per annum for 40 years and have approved tenders for the erection of 360 houses under the Act. As regards the last part of the question, the highest annual State subsidy promised is £24 10s. per house and the lowest at £14 15s. In both cases these amounts include the subsidy of £12 10s. under the Act of 1924.


asked the Secretary of State for Scotland in respect of how many houses in Scotland certificates have been granted approving assistance by way of loan and how many approving assistance by way of grant under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act, 1926, in each of the last eight months?2


The returns furnished by local authorities under the Housing (Rural Workers) Act are quarterly, and I regret that I am therefore not in a position to give the information desired for each of the last eight months. Following, however, are the numbers of houses in respect of which loans and grants were approved during each of the three latest quarters for which information is available.

Quarter. Loans. Grants.
Approved in quarter ended the 30th June, 1932. No houses 771 houses.
Approved in quarter ended the 30th September, 1932. 13 houses 735 houses.
Approved in quarter ended the 31st December, 1932. 11 houses 667 houses.