HC Deb 28 July 1933 vol 280 c2977W

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what action he intends to take with regard to the marketing scheme for the Scottish raspberry crop in view of the majority decision of producers not to operate the schemes this year; what was the market price for raspberries in 1931–32 and the present year; what is the import duty on raspberry pulp brought into this country; and what effect this has had on prices?


As the scheme failed to secure the necessary support at the poll, I am unable to take any further action. As regards the second part of the question, the fair average price for raspberries sold for jam-making purposes in 1931 was £14 to £15 per ton; in 1932, £30 to £33 per ton; in 1933, £30 to £33 per ton. A duty of 25 per cent.ad valorem has been imposed on imported raspberry pulp as from 26th April, 1932, but while the duty has probably affected prices, its effect cannot be measured definitely.