HC Deb 27 July 1933 vol 280 cc2789-90W

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to an order of the Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis whereby the age for compulsory retirement of certain officers of substantive rank is to be reduced; how many of such officers will be thereby affected; what is the average term of their service; when such order will become operative; and whether, and upon what grounds, any exceptions will be made upon the application of any such officer?


I have already stated that five superintendents and eight chief inspectors are being required to retire in the general interests of the efficiency of the force. Their retirement will take effect in six months' time, and their average service will then be 32 years 9 months. Each case is examined on its merits, but it is not possible for me to make any general statement of the grounds on which exceptions will be made.


asked the Home Secretary whether the provisions of Section 2 of the Metropolitan Police Act, governing the age for compulsory retirement in the case of senior officers of the Metropolitan Police, have been put into operation; and, if so, whether he will state the terms of any order he has so made?


No action has yet been taken under this Section.


asked the Home Secretary the percentage of each rank of the Metropolitan Police Force of officers who have completed 26 years' approved service and therefore are entitled to retire on pension; whether, in considering whether an officer should be called upon to retire, age or service or both are taken into consideration; and, if so, whether he will state the minimum age and service of cases in which such consideration is given?


The percentages of the members of the various ranks having 26 years' service and so entitled to full pension are: superintendents 84.4 per cent., chief inspectors 44.4 per cent., sub-divisional inspectors 14.4 per cent., inspectors 2.8 per cent., sergeants.6 per cent., constables.14 per cent. No officer can be required to retire under Section 1 (2) of the Police Pensions Act, 1921, until he is entitled to a pension of two-thirds of his pay: this depends on his length of service, but the governing consideration is the efficiency of the force as a whole. The cases of all superintendents and chief inspectors who have reached the ages of 50 and 47 respectively, are at their maximum rate of pay and entitled to maximum pension, are being considered from this angle in connection with the reorganisation of the force now proceeding.

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