HC Deb 26 July 1933 vol 280 cc2617-8W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Board of Education whether he will institute an inquiry into the effects of the early attendance at school resultant upon the Daylight Saving Act upon young children; whether his inspectors have made any report of recent years upon the lack of attention on the part of young scholars; and whether for infants he will next year alter the hours of attendance at school from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m., thereby avoiding the deleterious effects of the early hours upon such young scholars?


My Noble Friend does not see any sufficient reason for instituting such an inquiry as is suggested in the first part of the question.

Average Rates of Salary on 31st March.
1914. 1922.* 1923.† 1924.‡ 1930.§ 1932.║
£ £ £ £ £ £
Certificated Head Teachers Men 177 391 410 407 420 381
Certificated Assistant Teachers Men 129 305 310 299 293 262
Average for all Certificated Teachers Men 147 337 346 337 334 298
Certificated Head Teachers Women 126 314 327 324 327 295
Certificated Assistant Teachers Women 96 246 254 250 236 213
Average for all Certificated Teachers Women 103 261 270 266 254 228
Average for all Certificated Teachers Men and Women 118 284 294 289 279 251
Uncertificated Teachers Men 68 174 182 177 162 143
Uncertificated Teachers Women 57 144 148 145 141 129
Average for all Uncertificated Teachers Men and Women 58 146 151 147 143 130
Supplementary Women 40 96 97 96 98 90
Average for all Teachers, Certificated and Uncertificated. Men 139 326 336 328 324 289
Average for all Teachers, Certificated, Uncertificated and Supplementary. Women 82 215 224 221 217 198
Average for all Teachers, Certificated, Uncertificated and Supplementary. Men and Women 97 241 251 248 245 222
* Burnham Scales in first year.
† Burnham Scales in second year.
‡ Burnham Scales in full operation, but subject to 5 per cent. abatement. (The full effect of the Burnham Scales, had they come into operation without deduction can be ascertained by adding 1/19th to the averages on 31st March, 1924).
§ Burnham Award, 1925.
║ Burnham Award, 1925, subject to 10 per cent, reduction as from 1st October, 1931.
NOTE.—The salaries of certificated teachers in 1914 were subject to pension contributions of £3 12s. per annum (men) and £2 8s. per annum (women). There were no pension contributions in 1920 or 1921. As from 1st June, 1922, the salaries of pensionable teachers (this includes all the classes in this table except the supplementary teachers) were subject to a pension contribution of 5 per cent. The figures in this table show the salaries before deduction of any pension contributions.

As regards the second part, no reports have been received from the Board's inspectors in recent years as to the lack of attention on the part of young school children consequent upon the Daylight Saving Act, and my Noble Friend does not think he can usefully suggest to local education authorities any such alteration in the hours of school attendance as the hon. Member proposes.