HC Deb 24 July 1933 vol 280 c2238W

asked the Minister of Agriculture with what countries, other than Germany, he has concluded agreements for the restriction of imports of sea-fish; what is the maximum quantity in cwts. which each country will be allowed to import in each of the next three years; and whether there will be any restriction upon the imports of sea-fish from countries other than those with which these agreements have been concluded?


The countries with which agreements have been concluded for the restriction of imports of sea-fish are given in the following statement, which also shows the amount in cwts. which each country will be allowed to import in each of the next three years:

Maximum Annual Quantity.
Country. Cwts.
Norway 740,000
Denmark and Faroe 412,000
Iceland 354,000
Sweden 43,000
Germany 693,000

These maximum quantities are equivalent to 90 per cent. of the average annual imports into the United Kingdom from the respective countries during the three years 1930–1932. Imports from other countries will be restricted on a similar basis.

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