HC Deb 21 December 1933 vol 284 cc1483-4W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether he is aware that the British Creditors Committee, summoned to Berlin by Dr. Schacht to learn his future conditions for the German default, has returned without having arrived at an agreement; and will he now make a protest against the treatment of British investors in German public securities, including the 5½ per cent. German (Young) Loan, issued in London in accordance with Command Paper 3617, of 1930;

(2) if he will give an assurance that, in all negotiations with the German Reichsbank authorities, he will insist upon terms being granted to British holders no less advantageous than those already agreed to, so that responsibility for any default shall rest with the German authorities?


I understand from the Press that an announcement was issued in Berlin on 18th December by the Central Committee of the Reichsbank, in regard to the arrangements for the transfers of amounts due in respect of the in- so far as it is available. The figures relate to the areas served by the various Employment Exchanges and not to local government areas.

terest, etc., on German long-term foreign loans between 1st January and 30th June, 1934, His Majesty's Government are in touch with representatives of the British bondholders of the above-mentioned loans in regard to this question, which is receiving their serious attention. I am unable to make any further statement at present.

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