HC Deb 13 December 1933 vol 284 c380W

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies in which cases the principal British Colonies permit or refuse to permit rebate of duty on fuel consumed by British air-mail services operating over their territory.; and whether, in view of the advantages accruing to these Colonies and the Empire as a whole from the existence of such services, he will urge the granting generally of such a rebate?


Apart from local services in Fiji and East Africa, the only regular British air-mail services operated in the Colonies are those maintained by Imperial Airways, Limited. This company is accorded, in all the British Dependencies through which its services operate, freedom from Customs duties on fuel and oil used in the operation of those services. I have no information as to the treatment accorded to the local services in Fiji and East Africa, but each of those services is subsidised by the Governments concerned.