HC Deb 12 December 1933 vol 284 c213W

asked the Secretary for Mines the number of mines at which the ponies employed below ground have been equipped with electric battery lamps attached to collars or harness worn by them; how many ponies are now carrying these lamps; and whether, as his inspectors report that these lamps are economical and reduce accidents to both ponies and drivers underground, he will consider issuing a regulation to ensure the general use of such lamps?


During the year ended 30th June, 1933, 472 horse lamps were in use at 29 mines. I hope that colliery owners will give these lamps a trial over a wider area and in larger numbers, and the mines inspectors are using, and will use, their influence to that end, but I should not feel justified at present in proposing to make their general adoption compulsory.