HC Deb 11 December 1933 vol 284 cc35-7W
Duchess of ATHOLL

asked the Secretary of State for India the number of Church of Scotland and other Presbyterians, Scottish Episcopalians, Protestant non-Presbyterian Dissenters, Roman Catholics, Jews, Mahommedahs, Mormons, and others?


The numbers as at 28th November, 1933, were as follow:

Europeans recruited for the railway, posts, telegraphs, and Customs services in India in each of the last five years?

50. Sir S. HOARE

The appointments of European officers made by the Secretary of State in this country for the services named during the last five years (1929-1933) were as follow:

Civil Engineers (Indian Railway Service of Engineers)—three in 1929, one in 1930 and one in 1931; Traffic Officers (Transportation (Traffic) and Commercial Departments)—two in 1929, three in 1930 and one in 1931; Locomotive Officers (Transportation (Power) and Mechanical Engineering Departments)—two in 1929 and one in 1932; Medical Department, State Railways—one in 1930 and one in 1932; Total, 16. The reduction in numbers for the main services during the last two years is due to over-recruitment of the European element in earlier years, to a practical stoppage of new railway construction and to the postponement to some extent of replacements and renewals owing to the existing financial stringency.

Posts and Telegraphs. —One Telegraph Engineer in 1930. Over-recruitment in earlier years and the guarantee of appointments to the Indian Colleges (which has since been discontinued) is accountable for the decrease in the number of appointments from this country in recent years.

Customs. —None. Retrenchments in this Service account for the cessation of recruitment, but appointments from this country are now made by the High Commissioner for India and not by the Secretary of State.

For approximately the same period (1928–29–1932–33) the High Commissioner for India recruited three European officers (one Temporary Mechanical Engineer, one Film Publicity Officer and one Assistant Coal Superintendent) and 29 European subordinates (skilled mechanics) for State Railways and one European officer for the Customs. Grand total,

I have no information as to the appointments of Europeans made by the Government of India in India.

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