HC Deb 11 November 1932 vol 270 c648W

asked the Minister of Health if he is able to state which local authorities are constructing working-class houses at an all-in cost of about £350 to be let at rents of 8s., exclusive of rates; and what steps he is taking to encourage the building of such houses in as many areas as possible?


A number of local authorities are building houses at a cost of less than £300 a house, exclusive of the cost of land, roads, sewers, etc. The all-in cost of these houses, if normal figures are taken for the excluded items, would work out at about £350. I am sending to my hon. Friend a list of typical instances of the kind. With a, view to encouraging the erection of low priced houses in every district in which this is possible I am urging all local authorities who submit proposals to me to keep building costs as low as practicable.