HL Deb 08 November 1932 vol 85 c1111WA

asked His Majesty's Government the number of speed limits of 30 m.p.h. or under in operation in the United Kingdom, where they are situated, the date, Act of Parliament, or order under which they were made, and the number of convictions registered under them to the latest available date.


Section 122 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, provides that all speed limits less than 20 m.p.h. imposed under Section 4 of the Locomotives on Highways Act, 1896, or Section 9 of the Motor Car Act, 1903, should not continue in force for more than twelve months after the passing of the Act unless the Minister of Transport should otherwise direct. He did not so direct and those speed limits consequently lapsed at the time provided. The Minister of Transport has power to impose a speed limit on any specified road under Section 46 of the Road Traffic Act, 1930, on application being made to him by the appropriate local authority. One such order has been made—namely, the Borough of Southampton Dock Roads (Restriction of User) Order, 1932, dated April 8, 1932. No convictions have taken place for contravention of this Order. In a few cases special speed limits have also been imposed, mainly in respect of heavy vehicles, for the protection of weak bridges from damage. Apart from the general law applicable to public highways, the First Commissioner of Works has made regulations under the Parks Regulation Acts, 1872 and 1926, imposing speed limits in the Royal Parks, and the London County Council, and possibly other local authorities, have powers under Local Acts to make by-laws in the matter of speed limits in parks under their control.