HC Deb 30 May 1932 vol 266 c843W

asked the First Commissioner of Works if he is aware of the danger of injury caused to people in the vicinity of the Cock Pit, Hyde Park, on the evening of 24th May owing to the crush caused by the crowd getting out of control; and whether, in acceding to the request of the promoters to hold the Empire Pageant, he made any stipulation as to the provision of a requisite number of police and stewards to ensure the safety and convenience of people using the Park?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The understanding with the promoters was that they should make such arrangements as should satisfy the police authorities. I am informed that this was done, and, in point of fact, a considerable number of police, additional to those employed on previous similar occasions, was on duty. The crowd which attended proved, however, to be greatly in excess of all anticipation. The fact that the exceptionally large crowd became somewhat out of hand is a matter for deep regret, and the question as to whether or not such events can be permitted after nightfall in future will have to be considered.

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