HC Deb 13 May 1932 vol 265 cc2312-3W

asked the President of the Board of Trade, if he will give a tabular statement giving the Import Duties and the import restrictions which are applied to British coal in France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Spain, Portugal, and Italy, and also details of any subventions or other aids which any of those countries may give to their own coal exporters?


The following is the desired information

Country. Import Duties on United Kingdom Coal, Coke and Patent Fuel. Import Restrictions. Subventions or other aid to Native Industry.
Poland. Free. Railway rates for transport of coal from Gdynia and Danzig to the Polish interior were increased on 15th February, 1932, on a sliding scale beginning with an increase of 250 per cent. gradually reduced on distances up to 300 Km. Special reduced railway rate of 7½zloty per ton of export coal over a haulage of 340 miles.
A "manipulation" fee is leviable on anthracite amounting to 00B7;30 zloty per 100 Kgs. Gross. It is understood that the Polish Government is insisting that at an early date the coal industry must subsidise its exports from a levy, to be raised by the industry, of 2½ zloty per ton of inland sales.
Bituminous coal, brown coal peat are exempt from the fee.
Spain. Coal (including anthracite) 7½ gold pesetas per metric ton. (On first 750,000 tons per annum of British pit coal duty is 4½ gold pesetas per metric ton.) Principal national industries are only allowed to use a limited proportions of foreign coal.
Special credit and loan facilities, tax remissions, etc., are allowed.
Coke and Briquettes —9 gold pesetas per metric ton.
Portugal. Coal and Coke—.42 gold escudo per metric ton. A decree provides for the use of a specified percentage of native coal in industries and railways.
Briquettes (over 1 Kg.)— 0.42 gold escudo per metric ton.
Other briquettes — 1.68 gold escudo per metric ton.
NOTE:— The escudo used in the Tariff=4s. 6d.
Italy. Coal and briquettes—10 per cent. ad valorem*
Coke—11 lire per metric ton plus 10 per cent. ad valorem.
A "landing tax" of 2½ lire per metric ton is levied on imports by sea.
* Fuel for State Railways and Mercantile Marine admitted duty free.
†Coke for special or high grade steel manufacture may be admitted duty free.