HC Deb 24 March 1932 vol 263 c1201W

asked the Home Secretary what is the quantity of tobacco consumed annually by the 825 patients in Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum; what quantity is purchased with the £300 provided in the Estimates; and what quantity is obtained from the confiscated stocks of the Customs and Excise Department?


About 1,800 lbs. are consumed a year. During the present year 858 lbs. have been purchased at a cost of £353, and 914 lbs. have been obtanied from the confiscated stocks.


asked the Home Secretary why the cost of victuals, including extras when sick, of the 825 patients in Broadmoor Criminal Lunatic Asylum is £10 5s. 4d. per head per annum, while that of the 100 male and female attendants is £27 7s. 6d. per head per annum; and whether he is satisfied that the supply of food to the patients is adequate and varied?


The food of the staff is paid for by themselves and not by the State, and is largely at their own choice. The item of expenditure in the estimates is covered by an Appropriation-in-Aid under Sub-head M. There is, therefore, no ground for comparison with the cost of the food supplied at the public expense to the patients. I am satisfied that the dietary of the institution is adequate and varied.

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