HC Deb 27 June 1932 vol 267 cc1482-4W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the total payments by the Treasury to the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, in each financial year since the establishment of the Government of Northern Ireland in 1921 to the financial year 1931–32, inclusive, and the total payments by the Ministry of Finance, Northern Ireland, to the Imperial Exchequer in each year for the same period?


The information is as follows:—

Payments of Northern Ireland. Imperial contribution paid by Northern Ireland.
£ £
1921–22* 642,669 2,820,820
1922–23 4,641,335 6,685,645
1923–24 3,982,221 4,517,879
1924–25 2,081,751 3,175.000
1925–26 2,738,669 2,275,000
1926–27 271,678,291 1,350,000
1927–28 1,087,286 1,450,000
1928–29 1,333,079 1,175,000
1929–30 1,253,216 855,000
1930–31 1,489,366 642,000†
1931–32 1,128,066 400,000†
* From 21st November, 1921, to 31st March, 1922.
† Provisional.

In addition to the annual Imperial contribution Northern Ireland makes payments, by way of deduction from the Northern Ireland share of reserved taxes, for certain services other than the costs

1912. 1932.
Non-industrial Staffs;
Administrative staff 16 27
Executive and clerical groups 219 732
Typing grades 22 145
Inspectorate (Ancient Monuments) 1 7
Professional and Technical groups:
Professional 105 548 234 1,097
Technical 443 863
Messengerial, etc. group:
Messengers, porters, caretakers, charwomen, park-keepers, warders, &c. 510 976
Total non-industrial staff 1,316 2,984
Total of salaries and wages £200,000 (Estimated). £762,000
Industrial Staffs:
Supervisory 113 251
Industrial 1,116 4,684
1,229 4,935
It is, I fear, impossible to say with any approximation to accuracy, what was the cost of the industrial staff in 1912, no adequate records being available on a comparable basis. The total cost for 1931-32 was £862,000.

of the current administration of the reserved services, namely,, for Judicial, Civil and Royal Irish Constabulary pensions, repayments to the Local Loans Fund, and Excess and Bonus Land Stocks. These payments amount to about £600,000 a year.