HL Deb 07 June 1932 vol 84 cc643-4WA

asked His Majesty's Government with what countries this country has entered into trade treaties or agreements, embodying the most-favoured-nation clause, and to state in each case what percentage of their total imports are derived from (a) the United Kingdom, (b) the British Empire.


The following is a list of the countries with which this country has concluded commercial treaties and similar arrangements providing for the mutual accord of the most-favoured-nation treatment in regard to Customs duties. Information is given in each case regarding the percentage of their total imports, during the most recent year for which complete particulars are available, derived from (a) the United Kingdom, (b) all British countries, so far as such information is published by the countries concerned.

Country (and year to which statistics relate). Percentage of Imports
From U.K. From all British Countries.
Albania (1930) 7.4 7.6
Argentina (1930) 19.8 24.0
Austria (1931) 2.6 5.3
Belgium (1931) (a)(b) 8.2 13.5
Bolivia (1927) 19.4 19.8
Brazil (1931) (a) 17.5 23.0
Bulgaria (1930) 8.2 8.8(c)
Chile (1930) (a) 15.3 18.0
China (1931) 8.6 34.2(d)
Colombia (1930) 12.4 13.4
Czechoslovakia (1931)(a) 3.7 7.2
Denmark (1930) 14.5 15.9
Egypt (1931)(a) 22.6 31.7
Estonia (1930) 8.6 13.0
Finland (1930) (a) 13.6 14.6
Germany (1931) 6.7 18.5
Greece (1928) 14.5 23.7
Guatemala (1929) 9.7 9.8
Hayti (1930–31) 7.0 7.6
Hungary (1931) 3.8 5.7
Italy (1927) 9.0 19.9
Japan (1931) 5.1 30.4
Latvia (1930) (a) 8.5 13.6
Lithuania (1930) (a) 7.7 8.4
Netherlands (1930) 9.4 14.6
Nicaragua (1929) 10.8 ll.0(c)
Norway (1930) 25.8 28.9
Panama (1930) 9.1 10.7
Persia (1930–31) (e) 45.5
Poland (1930) 7.9 13.2
Portugal (1930) (a) 21.4 24.0
Roumania (1930) 8.1 8.l(f)
Salvador(1930) 13.0 13.8
Siam (1930–31) (a) 15.1 58.1(d)
Spain (1930)(a) 12.3 18.0
Sweden (1930) 15.8 17.2
Switzerland (1931) (g) 4.3 9.0
Turkey (1930) 11.2 13.2(c)
U.S.S.R. (1930) 7.6 12.4
United States (1931) 6.5 30.0
Venezuela (1929) (a) 12.8 13.3
Yugoslavia (1931) (a) 6.6 8.6

NOTE. —Where the expression "Ireland" is used in the original returns, the relevant particulars are excluded from Column II which may, however, include in some cases imports from the Irish Free State. The total in Column III is not necessarily exhaustive; this excludes the value of imports from mandated territories and Iraq, so far as possible. Except in a few cases, the particulars relate only to merchandise.

  1. (a) Includes bullion and specie.
  2. (b) Belgo-Luxemburg Economic Union.
  3. (c) United Kingdom and India only.
  4. (d) Of which—from Hong Kong 13.3 per cent, in the case of China and 19.9 per cent in the case of Siam.
  5. (e) Not available.
  6. (f) United Kingdom and Canada only.
  7. (g) Including bullion, except gold bullion imported for banking purposes.