HC Deb 11 July 1932 vol 268 cc911-5W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the relative strengths in number and tonnage of naval arms in battleships and aircraft carriers of the five naval Powers fixed by the Treaty of


pursuant to his reply [OFFICIAL REPORT, 7th July, 1932, col. 636, Vol. 268], supplied the following statement:

The following table shows the number and estimated cost of revenue and non-revenue producing schemes respectively, approved for financial assistance under Parts I and II of the Development (Loan Guarantees and Grants) Act, 1929, since 8th September, 1931, together with the number of men from depressed areas actually in employment on the schemes at 27th May, 1932:

Washington; the relative strengths in cruisers, destroyers and submarines fixed for the United States of America, Great Britain and Japan by the Treaty of London; the relative strengths in cruisers and destroyers of France and Italy calculated as though France and Italy had joined in the Treaty of London on the basis approximating the so-called accord of 3rd March, 1931; the total submarine tonnage of Great Britain, the United States of America, Japan, France and Italy, respectively, in vessels exceeding 1,200 tons, and the number of such vessels; the total tonnage of treaty eight-inch-gun cruisers for the United States of America, Great Britain and Japan; the London Naval Treaty tonnage and number of vessels now being built for British, Japanese and United States navies which will be under age in 1936; the tonnage and number of vessels in respect of which estimates have been passed by this House; and the additional tonnage and number of vessels which may be built before 1936 within the limits allowed by the treaty?


The answers to the various parts of the hon. and gallant Member's question are as follow:

1. The number and tonnage in battleships and aircraft carriers fixed by the Treaty of Washington:
Categories. United States. British Commonwealth of Nations. France. Italy. Japan.
Battleships 15/525,000 15/525,000 175,000* 175,000* 9/315,000
Aircraft Carriere† 135,000 135,000 60,000 60,000 81,000
* France and Italy reserve the right to employ the Capital Ship tonnage allotment as they might consider advisable.
† The numbers of aircraft carriers were not fixed.
2. The relative strengths in cruisers, destroyers and submarines fixed for the United States, British Commonwealth of Nations and Japan by the Treaty of London:
Categories. United States. British Commonwealth of Nations. Japan.
Cruisers: Tons. Tons. Tons.
(a) With guns of more than 6.1 inches 180,000 146,800 108,400
(b) With guns of 6.1 inches or less 143,500 192,200 100,450
Destroyers 150,000 150,000 105,500
Submarines 52,700 52,700 52,700
3. The so called "bases of agreement" of 1st March, 1931, sought to regulate the new construction which would be undertaken by France and Italy during the period of Agreement rather than to impose specific limitations upon either numbers or total tonnages.
4. The total submarine tonnage of the various countries and the numbers of vessels exceeding 1,200 tons (standard displacement):
Built. Building or appropriated for.
Number. Tonnage. Number. Tonnage.
British Commonwealth of Nations 19 28,564 5 6,520
U.S.A. 6 14,170 1 1,540
Japan 18 30,220 6 9,669
France 19 28,174 14 19,306
Italy 5 6,811 4 5,370
5. The tonnage of Treaty 8-inch gun cruisers built:
Number. Tonnage.
British Commonwealth of Nations 15 143,970
U.S.A. 8 72,900
Japan 9 78,400

6. The London Naval Treaty tonnage and numbers of vessels now being built which will be under age in 1936:
Cruisers over 6.1 inches. Cruisers 6.1 inches or less. Destroyers. Submarines.
No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage. No. Tonnage.
British Common-wealth of Nations. Nil Nil 4 28,000 9 12,400 6 5,820
U.S.A* 7 70,000 Nil Nil 5 7,500 3 3,800
Japan* 3 30,000 2 17,000 8 12,634 6 9,669
* Building or appropriated for.
7. The tonnage and numbers of further vessels in respect of which Estimates have been passed in this House:
Cruisers over 6.1 inch guns. Cruisers 6.1 inch guns or less. Destroyers.
Number. Tonnage. Number. Tonnage. Number. Tonnage.
Nil Nil 6 38,900 18 24,800
Number. Tonnage.
Submarines 6 6,940
8. The additional tonnage and numbers of vessels which may be built before 1936 within the limits allowed by Treaty:
Categories. Tonnage.
(a) With guns of more than 6.1 inches Nil
(b) With guns of 6 1 inches or less 24,100
Destroyers 67,450
Submarines 7,290