HL Deb 11 July 1932 vol 85 cc764-6WA

asked His Majesty's Government, in view of the recent official statements that the Land Taxes are retained on the Statute Book merely out of consideration for the views of Labour members of the Government, why do the Commissioners of Inland Revenue require on—

  1. (i) any transfer on sale of the fee simple of land;
  2. (ii) the grant of any lease of land for a term of seven or more years;
  3. (iii) any transfer on sale of any such lease;
that it shall be the duty of the transferee, lessee or proposed lessee to produce to them within thirty days of its execution the instrument by means of which the transfer is effected, or the lease is granted or agreed to be granted. The Commissioners further require that when such instrument is produced a copy thereof must be produced for retention by the Commissioners or a statement of certain particulars is furnished on form L. V.(A).

How many persons are engaged in dealing with the information thus required and to what Government depart- ment is the information communicated, and for what purpose?


Production of the instruments in question to the Commissioners of Inland Revenue is required under the provisions of Section 28 of the Finance Act, 1931. With the instrument there must be produced to the Commissioners an abstract giving certain particulars relating thereto or a copy of it; or, as an alternative, the person required to produce the instrument may, at his option, dispense with those requirements and produce it subject to the condition that he will furnish such information in regard to it as the Commissioners may ask for within the following six months. The statutory provisions in question are designed to afford to the Inland Revenue Department information as to the current values of land, which is required for various purposes including the Death Duties and the purchase of land. The number of staff of that Department engaged in carrying out the provisions of the section is thirty-six.

House adjourned at five (minutes before six o'clock.