HC Deb 04 July 1932 vol 268 c46W

asked the Minister of Transport the number and names of new arterial or by-pass roads which have been approved since November, 1931, and to which public money has been promised; whether the execution of any of these schemes has since been suspended owing to the state of public finance; if so, which; and whether he will consider representations from public authorities or residents of localities to the effect that unnecessary road work of this nature is still being carried on?


No schemes for constructing new roads have been approved since November, 1931, and schemes of a capital nature, including schemes involving new construction, estimated to cost about £35,000,000, have been retrenched or postponed. A number of schemes, for which grants had been made or promised prior to the financial emergency, are proceeding at least to a stage at which they can be economically curtailed, but if the hon. Member considers that some further works should be stopped, I shall, of course, be willing to receive his representations in respect of particular schemes and to bring them to the notice of the highway authority concerned.