HC Deb 17 February 1932 vol 261 cc1652-3W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware that Japanese airmen have dropped bombs on a factory in the International Settlement at Shanghai whereby death and damage have been caused; and whether he is taking steps to protest against this breach of international law and to prevent its recurrence?


A bomb was dropped on a mill in the American sector of the International Settlement on 11th February. In reply to a protest from the United States Consul-General, the Japanese Admiral apologised for the incident, explained that it was due to an accident, and stated that orders had been given that no Japanese aircraft were to be flown over the International Settle- ment. No action by His Majesty's Government is therefore required.


asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the protest in the name of humanity made by Sir John Hope Simpson against the bombing of a flood relief camp, containing over 8,000 Chinese refugees, by Japanese air forces on 5th and 6th February, by which 50 patients were killed; and whether His Majesty's Government will protest to the Japanese Government against this action?


Sir John Hope Simpson's telegram was, I understand, received at Geneva on Saturday by the League authorities, and will, of course, be dealt with by them.

BALANCES of CREDITS and DEBITS in the Transactions (other than the Lending and Repayment of Capital) between the United Kingdom and all other Countries.
Particulars. 1929. 1930. 1931.
In Million £'s.
Excess of imports of merchandise and silver bullion and specie 381 386 411
Estimated excess of Government receipts from overseas* 24 19 16
Estimated net national shipping income† 130 105 80
Estimated net income from overseas investments 250 220 165
Estimated net receipts from short interest and commissions 65 55 30
Estimated net receipts from other sources 15 15 10
Total 484 414 301
Estimated total credit or debit balance in items specified above +103 +28 -110
Excess of exports (+) or imports (-) of gold bullion and specie +15 -5 +35
* Including some items on loan accounts.
† Including disbursements by foreign ships in British ports.