§ Sir A. KNOXasked the Secretary of State for India what were the gross monthly pay and allowances of the following ranks of the Indian Army in 1892, and what they are at the present date, giving pay of rank and staff allowances separately: lieut.-colonel, in command of a cavalry regiment or infantry battalion; major, second in command of a cavalry regiment or infantry battalion; captain, in commend of a squadron or double company; and lieutenant, of eight years' service?
§ Sir S. HOAREAs a rather long tabular statement is required in answer to this question, I am sending my hon. and gallant Friend a copy of it.
§ Captain FULLERasked the Secretary of State for India if the number of British officers of the Indian Army who have retired since 1st April, 1930, includes all or any of those affected by Army 50W Instruction, India, 132 of 1931; of the new officers appointed during the same period how many were Indians, officers transferred from the British Army, and new entrants from this country, respectively; and how much under strength is the establishment of officers at present?
§ Sir S. HOAREThe figure of 253 given in my reply to my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for Wycombe (Sir A. Knox) on 20th April included three officers retired under Army Instructions (India) 132 of 1931. The figure of 227 referred only to British officers. One hundred and seventy-one were new entrants and 66 were transfers from the British Service. The establishment of officers of the Indian Army is not at present under strength.