HC Deb 30 September 1931 vol 257 cc373-4W

asked the hon. Member for Central Leeds, as representing the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, what salaries have been fixed for the chairman and secretary of the Cathedral Commissioners; what sum it is proposed to authorise for office and staff expenses; and what is the total estimated annual expenditure on account of the work of these commissioners?


No remuneration is being paid to the chairman of the

tional stage for the months of October, November, and December, respectively?


The following table gives such information as is available. I am unable to make any estimate of the number of persons who will cease to be entitled to standard benefit in the months referred to.

Persons on the registers of Employment Exchanges in the counties of Brecon and Radnor:

before the coming into office of the present Government, at Gainsborough and Lincoln, respectively?


The following table gives the information desired.

Cathedral Commissioners: the salary of the secretary has been fixed at £500 per annum: no sum has been fixed for office and staff expenses, but no such expenses are incurred without general or special sanction of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners have not committed themselves to any estimate of total expenditure.