HC Deb 22 September 1931 vol 256 c1484W

asked the hon. Member for Central Leeds, as representing the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, the number of cases dealt with under the Benefices (Ecclesiastical Duties) Measure in connection with which application has been made to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners by Bishops for costs; whether costs were allowed in every case; and the amount in each case?


Since the passing of the Benefices (Ecclesiastical Duties) Measure, 1926, nine proposals by Bishops to take proceedings thereunder have been submitted to the Examiner appointed by the Archbishops under the Ecclesiastical Commissioners Measure, 1926, and in each case the course proposed to be taken by the Bishop has been approved by that official. The Ecclesiastical Commissioners are required by measure to pay out of their common fund the costs and expenses incurred by a Bishop in relation to any such approved proceedings. The following amounts have been paid accordingly in respect of the above-mentioned nine cases:

£ s. d.
682 19 5
14 8 8
53 17 11
16 8 0
356 17 6
50 11 1
262 14 8
21 16 2
547 14 5