§ Mr. MILLSasked the Minister of Labour the number, respectively, of men, women, young women, boys, and girls registered as unemployed at Erith, Dartford, Gravesend, and Woolwich Employment Exchanges; and the proportion at the last two Exchanges which register from homes in Swanscombe, Greenhithe, Bexley Heath, and Welling, respectively?
§ Sir H. BETTERTONThe following statement gives the information for which the hon. Member asks.
§ Sir H. BETTERTONSuch information as is available is being prepared, and will be sent to the hon. Member as soon as completed.
§ Mr. E. WILLIAMSasked the Minister of Labour the number of persons registered at the Employment Exchanges of Maesteg, Pontycymmer, Ogmore Vale and Bridgend at the latest available date, and the number who will be transferred to the public assistance committees for calculation of benefit when the new proposals come into operations?
§ Sir H. BETTERTONThe following table gives the information desired:
in the Blaydon, Dunston and Tanfield districts, and the number on transitional benefit?
§ Sir H. BETTERTONAt 21st September, 1931, there were 3,737 persons on the registers of the Blaydon Employment Exchange with claims to benefit admitted or under consideration, of whom 895 had claims authorised for transitional benefit. The corresponding figures for Dunston were 1,124 and 424 respectively. Separate figures are not available in respect of Tanfield.