§ Captain ERSKINE-BOLSTasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the proportion, respectively, of hotels and restaurants which now pay their annual licence according to 25 per cent. of the annual licence value or according to the proportion that receipts from intoxicating liquors bear to total receipts; and whether he will consider the desirability of grading all hotel licences according to 538W the status of each such hotel and restaurant, thereby affording an indication to visitors as to prices and comfort such as exists in most other countries on the Continent?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINI regret that statistics on the subject of the first part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question are not available, and the figures for which he asks could only be obtained at the cost of disproportionate labour and expense. With regard to the second part, I do not think this suggestion comes within the province of the Treasury.