HC Deb 20 May 1931 vol 252 c1992W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what is the maximum sum a paymaster-commander in charge of a general mess may expend per man per day in order to provide complete messing for men messed under the general messing system, as stated on page 37 of the Navy Estimates for the year 1931?


Under the system of general messing, the Admiralty provides a full day's messing of a reasonable and sufficient standard. It follows, therefore, that the paymaster is not provided with a fixed money allowance for daily use; he obtains and expends what food is necessary to provide the recognised standard of messing, and the Admiralty bears the cost. The latter is a fluctuating figure depending upon prices and other conditions, and it varies in different parts of the world and as between seagoing ships and shore establishments.