HC Deb 19 May 1931 vol 252 cc1796-7W

asked the Minister of Health what was the rateable value of the Borough of Ipswich and the annual income to the borough prior to the Rating and Valuation Act, 1925; what was the amount of increase in the rateable value under the operation of the Rating and Valuation Act and the annual amount realised on the present basis of rates under the increase; and the amount of the annual block grants from the Exchequer in respect of derated premises?


The following is the answer:

Date or financial year. Valuation for Rating Purposes. Rate in £ actually levied during year. Amount of rates collected during year.
£ s. d. £
1st April, 1928 (1928–29) 487,514 (a) 14 0 315,341
1st April, 1929 (1929–30) 514,065 (b) 13 4 323,079 (d)
1st April, 1930 (1930–31) 478,281 (c) 13 4 292,800 (e)
(a) Prior to first valuation under Rating and Valuation Act, 1925.
(b) First valuation under Act of 1925, before derating under Local Government Act, 1929.
(c) After derating under Act of 1929.
(d) Including £14,625 grants under the Agricultural Rates Act, 1929, and Section 112 of the Local Government Act, 1929, to make good loss of rates in that year due to derating.
(e) Estimated.

According to the latest estimates, based on the figures for the standard year (1928–29), the losses on account of rates of the County Borough of Ipswich arising from the derating provisions of the Local Government Act, 1929, amount to £27,844, and the amount of the Exchequer Grant payable annually under the Act to the council of the county borough during the first fixed grant period (i.e., the three years beginning on 1st April, 1930), is £67,092. This last-mentioned amount exceeds by £12,540 the total estimated losses on account of rates and grants by the county borough arising from the operation of the Act. These figures are approximate and subject to revision.