§ Sir F. THOMSONasked the Secretary of State for Scotland what are the existing provisions for the inspection of industrial schools in Scotland?
Mr. W. ADAMSONThe statutory provisions relating to the inspection of certified industrial schools are contained in Section 46 of the Children Act, 1908.
1607WIn pursuance of Orders made under Section 132 of that Act and Section 19 of the Education (Scotland) Act, 1918, the power of appointing a chief inspector and other inspectors of reformatory and industrial schools in Scotland has been transferred to the Scottish Education Department, and the duties imposed on the chief inspector and other inspectors with regard to such schools are to be performed by the Department or by such of His Majesty's inspectors of schools as they may appoint. Under existing arrangements, the responsibility for the inspection of certified industrial schools in Scotland rests with His Majesty's inspectors of schools in charge of the districts in which such schools are situated. In view of the special nature of the problem which these schools present, one of His Majesty's inspectors of schools not attached to a district is charged with inspection duties in respect of all schools in the country which are certified under the Children Act, 1908, and in this work he is associated with the district inspector concerned. These schools are also visited by the Department's medical officer and inspector of physical training.