HC Deb 18 May 1931 vol 252 c1612W

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he will consider the desirability of issuing a statement to men employed in His Majesty's naval dockyards in this country and about to be transferred to naval dockyards abroad, the statement to explain what the position of such men under the National Health and Unemployment Insurance Acts will be after their transfer has taken place; and what steps such men should take to keep themselves and their dependants covered for benefit under those Acts during the time they are abroad?


I presume that the hon. Member is referring to the position of industrial employés who are appointed for service under agreement at estabments abroad, in relation to the National Health and Unemployment Insurance Acts. The agreement which these men are required to sign on their appointment for such service already contains some general notes regarding the effect which service abroad may have in relation to the insurability of these men under the Acts referred to, and as the men concerned may, when they so desire, obtain more detailed information on this subject from the cashier at the home establishment from which they are appointed, the issuing of a statement to the men concerned is not considered necessary.