HC Deb 18 March 1931 vol 249 cc2043-4W

asked the Minister of Health the number of houses built under the Housing Acts by the various councils in the Metropolitan area during 1930, and the number of houses authorised but not completed for the same year?


The following statement contains the desired information:

Local Authority. Houses completed during 1930. Authorised but not completed at 31st December, 1930.
London County Council. 3,446 11,547
Battersea 6 6
Bermondsey 11
Finsbury 146
Greenwich 109
Islington 107 44
Lambeth 8 132
Lewisham 60
Poplar 116
St. Pancras 39 22
Southwark 9
Stepney 3
Wandsworth 72

These figures do not include 521 houses erected during the year by the London County Council, 20 by the Borough Council of Stepney and 48 by the Borough Council of Hammersmith in replacement of houses demolished under improvement and reconstruction schemes.