HC Deb 17 March 1931 vol 249 c1884W

asked the Minister of Health the numbers of parlour and non-parlour types of houses authorised to be built to the nearest convenient date; and whether figures can be given of the average total cost of each type, inclusive of land, road making, etc.?


My right hon. Friend regrets that exact information in the form desired by my hon. Friend is not available, but of 800,672 houses recorded as included in contracts let or certificates issued by or in direct labour schemes of local authorities, other than the London County Council, in recent years, approximately 49 per cent. were of parlour type and 51 per cent. of non-parlour type. The average cost of houses of each of these types erected for local authorities during 1930, excluding the cost of land, roads and sewers, was £404 and £340 respectively. Precise figures as to the average total cost, including those items, are not available, but on the average of all houses this addition amounts to about £75.


asked the Minister of Health the number of houses finished under the various Housing Acts for the quarter ended 31st December, 1930, and to the latest possible date?


The number of State-assisted houses completed in England and Wales under the various Housing Acts between 1st January, 1919, and 31st January last was 984,897, of which 15,492 were completed during the quarter ended 31st December, 1930. These figures do not include houses erected by local authorities in replacement of houses demolished under improvement and reconstruction schemes made under legislation passed before 1930.