HC Deb 04 June 1931 vol 253 cc362-3W

asked the Secretary of State for India the number of hospitals that receive grants from Government or provincial resources in British India and the number in proportion to the population?


The latest figures available relate to the year 1928 and are as follow:

Number of State-Public, Local Fund and Privately Aided Hospitals and Dispensaries.
State-Public Institutions 552
Local Fund Institutions 3,713
Private Aided Institutions 306
Total 4,571
Income of the above.
From Government Funds 1,92,89,794
From Local and Municipal Funds 1,39,14,429
From other sources 65,16,254

I do not know how many of the local fund and private aided institutions received support from Government funds. 888,651 indoor and 49,229,903 outdoor patients were treated at these institutions during the year. The provisional figure for the population of British India as ascertained at the recent census is 270,612,162.