HC Deb 20 July 1931 vol 255 cc1068-9W

asked the Home Secretary if he will cause inquiry to be made into the system of traffic control in Drury Lane between 11.0 and 11.30p.m. on 14th July; and if he is aware that traffic was stationary for 20 minutes and that the delay was partly caused by the fact that the traffic police left their posts in order to remonstrate with a number of motor drivers who, exasperated at the delay, were sounding their horns?


In an area where there are a number of theatres and the streets are narrow, some traffic congestion is bound to occur, especially on occasions like that referred to when the performances terminate simultaneously and the weather is wet. I cannot find, however, any corroboration of the statement that the traffic was held up for a period approaching 20 minutes. The unnecessary sounding of motor horns when the vehicle is stationary is not only an offence against the law, but it is also likely to be a source of annoyance to residents, and the police, therefore, are bound to take such steps as may be necessary to deal with it.

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