§ Mr. L. SMITHasked the Minister of Agriculture the acreage in 1875 and in 1930 of agricultural holdings in England and Wales devoted to arable land, permanent grass for hay and not for hay, respectively, to rough grazing, wheat, barley, oats, mixed corn, rye, beans, peas, potatoes, turnips, swedes, mangolds, sugar-beet, small fruit, and orchards, and for the same years and countries the total number of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs; and the total number of poultry on
ACREAGE under certain crops and grass and number of livestock in England and Wales as returned on 25th June, 1875, and on 4th June, 1930. — 1875. 1930. England. Wales. England and Wales. England. Wales. England and Wales. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Arable Land 13,576,026 1,029,830 14,605,856 9,176,035 656,914 9,832,949 Permanent Grass— For Hay 3,118,554 381,677 3,500,231 4,414,134 636,802 5,050,936 Not for Hay 7,417,729 1,284,636 8,702,365 9,029,664 1,466,898 10,496,562 Rough Grazings * * * 3,575,469 1,718,175 5,293,644 Wheat 3,128,547 111,797 3,240,344 1,325,717 20,433 1,346,150 Barley 2,090,423 154,444 2,244,867 978,724 41,501 1,020,225 Oats 1,421,951 237,170 1,659,121 1,604,757 173,840 1,778,597 Mixed Corn † † † 108,691 22,004 130,695 Rye 43,544 1,593 45,137 43,742 254 43,996 Beans 533,455 3,398 536,853 174,939 930 175,869 Peas 310,623 3,776 314,399 133,707 614 134,321 Potatoes 320,477 44,505 364,982 404,080 20,580 424,660 Turnips and Swedes 1,569,049 70,326 1,639,375 629,623 41,813 671,436 Mangolds 352,198 7,261 359,459 277,730 10,556 288,286 Sugar Beet 292 — 292 346,359 898 347,257 Small Fruit * * * 65,432§ 777§ 66,209§ Orchards 150,600‡ 2,535‡ 153,135‡ 241,779§ 5,200§ 246,979§ No. No. No. No. No. No. Total Horses used for agricultural purposes (including mares kept for breeding) and unbroken horses. 1,031,776 124,711 1,156,487 704,195 104,647 808,842 Total Cattle 4,218,470 651,274 4,869,744 5,065,026 784,750 5,849,776 Total Sheep 19,114,634 2,951,810 22,066,444 12,213,438 4,102,405 16,315,843 Total Pigs 1,875,357 203,348 2,078,705 2,104,299 205,942 2,310,241 1913. 1930. No. No. No. No. No. No. Total Poultry 29,422,472 3,020,976 32,443,448 47,416,052 4,139,146 51,555,198 * Not collected. † Not separately distinguished. The area of mixed corn was apportioned among wheat, barley and oats. ‡ Acreage of arable or grass lands used for fruit trees of any kind. This acreage is also included with the crop, grass or bare fallow beneath the trees. § Includes small fruit in orchards. similar holdings for 1930 in England and Wales, and for the earliest year for which figures are available, together with the total number of farm workers, seasonal and not seasonal, not including employers and their families, for England and Wales for each of the two Census years nearest 1875 and 1930, and the total number of farmers for the same two Census years?
§ Dr. ADDISONThe following tables give the information desired.
NUMBER OF PERSONS (†) returned as employed in Agriculture (‡) in England and Wales at each Population Census, 1871 and 1921. — 1871.* 1921.§ England Wales. England and Wales. England. Wales. England and Wales. No. No. No. No. No. No. Total number of Farm Workers 941,243 55,411 996,654 581,199 34,356 615,555 Total number of Farmers 211,788 38,119 249,907 225,959 38,134 264,093 * Figures for 1871 include those who had retired from agriculture and not taken up other employment. † Excluding relatives assisting in the work of the farm. ‡ Excluding horticulture. § Comparison with 1871 is affected by alterations in the classification during the intervening period.