HC Deb 22 January 1931 vol 247 cc368-9W

asked the Minister of Labour the annual cost of maintaining the Shobden, Herefordshire, labour camp; how many Government officials are employed there; what are the salaries of these officials; and how many men are at present receiving training there?


This transfer instructional centre opened on 1st January, 1931, takes the place of the Presteign centre, which has been closed for sanitary reasons. The estimated annual cost of maintaining the centre is £6,740. The staff of all kinds numbers 24, and the wages and salaries amount to £4,663 per annum. The number of trainees at present is 85, and is in course of increase up to the capacity of the centre, namely, 150.

Persons on the Registers of Employment Exchanges in Great Britain.
Date. Men. Women. Juveniles. Total.
26th November 1,104,618 220,251 70,636 1,395,505
31st December 1,183,733 258,681 78,316 1,520,730
25th November 991,306 230,588 63,564 1,285,458
30th December 1,142,600 291,722 75,909 1,510,231
24th November 1,659,476 518,040 108,944 2,286,460
29th December 1,895,585 623,209 124,333 2,643,127

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