HC Deb 25 February 1931 vol 248 c2150W

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he can state the variation, if any, in the wholesale prices of raw materials for margarine since 1924 and also the price of the manufactured article for the same period?


According to the information published in regard to commodity prices, the recent wholesale prices of the raw materials of margarine are about two-thirds of those of the corresponding commodities in 1924. I have no information as to the wholesale price of margarine during this period, but the average values of imported margarine, which represents about 15 per cent. of the total estimated consumption in this country, have fallen from 7.46d. to 6.20d. per lb. during the same period. According to the Ministry of Labour figures, the average retail price of the varieties of margarine included in the compilation of the cost-of-living index, which was 6¾d. per lb. in 1924, was 7¼d. per lb. in December, 1930.